Esoteric Studies
Welcome to St. Michael's Divinity School Online Esoteric Studies.
All students once registered will be given a login to access the curriculum and documents necessary for their level of studies.
You will also find other documents of interest, with information that is taught within The Australian Church of Antioch and St. Michael's Divinity School.
All students once registered will be given a login to access the curriculum and documents necessary for their level of studies.
You will also find other documents of interest, with information that is taught within The Australian Church of Antioch and St. Michael's Divinity School.
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What Are Esoteric Studies?
The goal of esoteric studies is a practical understanding of the nature of the Cosmos, the Self or Soul, the Soul’s relation with the “little self” or personality, and the process of integration and fusion between the Soul and the personality, using well-defined and proven techniques. This fusion enables us to acquire direct knowledge of the spiritual worlds rather than functioning by faith alone.
We do this by:
Esotericism is a practical science, useful not only in daily life, but also in world affairs, as it reveals the workings behind current events. Emphasis is placed on practical application in order to prevent students from using the teaching as an escape mechanism or withdrawing from responsible action on the plane of human living. We learn to recognize real need and demonstrate service in some field of our own choosing, thus becoming servers of the Divine Plan, which is the emerging pattern lying behind events in the outer world. As we begin to comprehend the meaning underlying all events and to control the forces of our individual nature, we become light bearers and effective servers in the world.
There are many Esoteric Traditions from which teaching material can be drawn. The St. Michael’s Divinity School’s Esoteric Studies have been written and prepared for the school by the Presiding Archbishop the Most Rev’d Frank Buggé and the Syllabus prepared by the Most Rev’d Glenn Taylor, Dean of St. Michael's Divinity School.
The Esoteric Studies Course. Degree. (E600)
The Esoteric Studies are in four levels. Each level must be completed and passed to gain the Associate, Licentiate and Fellowship Diploma and Fellowship Research Diploma certificate.
The Associate of Esoteric Studies must be completed and passed before a candidate can enter the Licentiate Studies. Once the Licentiate is passed the candidate may enter for the Fellowship which is the final level of these courses. The Associate level is equivalent of a Bachelor Degree, the Licentiate is that of the Honours Degree and university Level and the Fellowship is similar to that of the Masters Degree and university Level.
Level 1 (E600) The Associate Esoteric Diploma
The candidate must complete the entire course E600 series. The requirements set out are basically the esoteric requirements for our Cleric to Acolyte, and is set out in Esoteric Studies 1. This gives a general background and preparations for the Licentiate of Esoteric Studies (Level 2).
Level 2 (E700) the Licentiate Esoteric Diploma
To be eligible to be accepted into the Licentiate Esoteric Diploma the Candidate must first obtain a Pass or Higher in the Associate Diploma. The Candidate must complete the entire course E700 series. The requirements here are from our Clergy training esoteric sections for Sub-Deacon to Priest and are set out in Esoteric Studies 2. These studies will then lead you into the Fellowship of Esoteric Studies.
Level 3: (E800) the Fellowship Esoteric Diploma
To be eligible to be accepted into the Fellowship Esoteric Diploma the Candidate must first obtain a Pass or higher in the Licentiate Diploma. The Fellowship requirements are set out in Esoteric Studies 3 and 4.
Level 4: (E900) the Fellowship Esoteric Research Diploma
This Level is designed for those who wish to do a research Diploma. To be eligible to be accepted into the Fellowship Research Diploma the Candidate must first have passed both the Associate and Licentiate Diploma of Esoteric Studies. They will then work through the studies of E800 and E900 and complete the assignments. Once this has been completed, they may then submit their topic of research and they have two years to then submit their thesis of 30,000 words.
Successful candidates receive a St Michael’s Divinity School Diploma Certificate and can append the post nominal letters of the Degree which is listed below.
Academic Rigor and Course Credit
All courses consist of assignments, and an examination and Thesis.
Part one is the assignments worth 30% of the marks.
Part Two is the written essay or Thesis on a selected question and has to be the required length for the course level being studied and is worth 40% of the mark and part three is an Examination paper worth 30% of the mark.
Students are expected to complete their selected course in their own timespan. No time frame is given, so each candidate can work at his/her own pace and level.
Assignments are tailored to the academic level at which the candidate is working (Associate, Licentiate or Fellowship).
In order to receive credit for the course, the candidate is expected to conform to the customary rigour for the level of the course.
The pass mark for each subject and level is 60. The marks of both parts are added together to get an average and that average is the mark. E.g. Part 1, 85/100, Part 2, 79/100 = 164 = 82 pass with credit 0-59 Not Satisfactory; 60 -74 Pass; 75-84 Credit; 85-94 Honours; 95-100 First class Honours.
The goal of esoteric studies is a practical understanding of the nature of the Cosmos, the Self or Soul, the Soul’s relation with the “little self” or personality, and the process of integration and fusion between the Soul and the personality, using well-defined and proven techniques. This fusion enables us to acquire direct knowledge of the spiritual worlds rather than functioning by faith alone.
We do this by:
- Becoming aware of the forces that constitute the personality equipment.
- Becoming sensitive to the impelling energies of the Soul, or Self.
- Learning about our higher spiritual centre, from which the Soul draws its consciousness.
- Recognizing conditioning energies in the environment, seeing them not as events or circumstances but as energy in action.
Esotericism is a practical science, useful not only in daily life, but also in world affairs, as it reveals the workings behind current events. Emphasis is placed on practical application in order to prevent students from using the teaching as an escape mechanism or withdrawing from responsible action on the plane of human living. We learn to recognize real need and demonstrate service in some field of our own choosing, thus becoming servers of the Divine Plan, which is the emerging pattern lying behind events in the outer world. As we begin to comprehend the meaning underlying all events and to control the forces of our individual nature, we become light bearers and effective servers in the world.
There are many Esoteric Traditions from which teaching material can be drawn. The St. Michael’s Divinity School’s Esoteric Studies have been written and prepared for the school by the Presiding Archbishop the Most Rev’d Frank Buggé and the Syllabus prepared by the Most Rev’d Glenn Taylor, Dean of St. Michael's Divinity School.
The Esoteric Studies Course. Degree. (E600)
The Esoteric Studies are in four levels. Each level must be completed and passed to gain the Associate, Licentiate and Fellowship Diploma and Fellowship Research Diploma certificate.
The Associate of Esoteric Studies must be completed and passed before a candidate can enter the Licentiate Studies. Once the Licentiate is passed the candidate may enter for the Fellowship which is the final level of these courses. The Associate level is equivalent of a Bachelor Degree, the Licentiate is that of the Honours Degree and university Level and the Fellowship is similar to that of the Masters Degree and university Level.
Level 1 (E600) The Associate Esoteric Diploma
The candidate must complete the entire course E600 series. The requirements set out are basically the esoteric requirements for our Cleric to Acolyte, and is set out in Esoteric Studies 1. This gives a general background and preparations for the Licentiate of Esoteric Studies (Level 2).
Level 2 (E700) the Licentiate Esoteric Diploma
To be eligible to be accepted into the Licentiate Esoteric Diploma the Candidate must first obtain a Pass or Higher in the Associate Diploma. The Candidate must complete the entire course E700 series. The requirements here are from our Clergy training esoteric sections for Sub-Deacon to Priest and are set out in Esoteric Studies 2. These studies will then lead you into the Fellowship of Esoteric Studies.
Level 3: (E800) the Fellowship Esoteric Diploma
To be eligible to be accepted into the Fellowship Esoteric Diploma the Candidate must first obtain a Pass or higher in the Licentiate Diploma. The Fellowship requirements are set out in Esoteric Studies 3 and 4.
Level 4: (E900) the Fellowship Esoteric Research Diploma
This Level is designed for those who wish to do a research Diploma. To be eligible to be accepted into the Fellowship Research Diploma the Candidate must first have passed both the Associate and Licentiate Diploma of Esoteric Studies. They will then work through the studies of E800 and E900 and complete the assignments. Once this has been completed, they may then submit their topic of research and they have two years to then submit their thesis of 30,000 words.
Successful candidates receive a St Michael’s Divinity School Diploma Certificate and can append the post nominal letters of the Degree which is listed below.
- Associate: A.Dip.SMDS (Esoteric).
- Licentiate: L.Dip.SMDS (Esoteric).
- Fellowship: F.Dip.SMDS (Esoteric).
- Fellowship in research: F.Dip.SMDS (Esoteric Reas)
Academic Rigor and Course Credit
All courses consist of assignments, and an examination and Thesis.
Part one is the assignments worth 30% of the marks.
Part Two is the written essay or Thesis on a selected question and has to be the required length for the course level being studied and is worth 40% of the mark and part three is an Examination paper worth 30% of the mark.
Students are expected to complete their selected course in their own timespan. No time frame is given, so each candidate can work at his/her own pace and level.
Assignments are tailored to the academic level at which the candidate is working (Associate, Licentiate or Fellowship).
In order to receive credit for the course, the candidate is expected to conform to the customary rigour for the level of the course.
The pass mark for each subject and level is 60. The marks of both parts are added together to get an average and that average is the mark. E.g. Part 1, 85/100, Part 2, 79/100 = 164 = 82 pass with credit 0-59 Not Satisfactory; 60 -74 Pass; 75-84 Credit; 85-94 Honours; 95-100 First class Honours.